I don’t know what started it, really–maybe it was the fact that we were eating greasy pizza a lot more often, or the fact that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had more than about 2 vegetables in a day. But whatever the cause was, the result was clear: I realized I needed to …
Change It Up Challenge: Extension
Well folks, I had good intentions. Really, I did. And I wasn’t doing too bad on my goals for last month’s Change It Up Challenge either–I was finally getting into some daily habits that really were starting to make a difference in the cleanliness and organization of our home. Then distaster struck: Roaches. In our …
Change It Up Challenge (Nov): Cleaning
Picture taken from http://organizingsolutions.info I come from a very clean family–one of my Dad’s first memories of me is when I mopped up my own juice spill when I was two years old (which I’m sure I learned from watching my mother, who is the cleanest person I know). Unfortunately, that go-getter attitude …
Change It Up Challenge: Couponing
I’ll start out this post by saying this: I never in a million years thought I’d be the crazy coupon lady. You know the lady I’m talking about—with her two carts full of groceries and her stack of coupons as thick as a slice of Texas french toast who takes about an hour to check …
Change It Up Challenge: Waxing
I know, I know–I’m about a month and a half late with this post. But you wanna know a secret? I’m about a month and a half behind in almost ALL my posts. So there :-P. Also, I realize that all of the Change It Ups I’ve posted lately have all had to do with …
Change It Up Challenge: Grown-Up Hair Salons
It was the above picture at my former roommate’s wedding that finally did it–it was the last straw on the camel’s back, the last calorie to make me gain the pound, the last little shopping cart race that gets you kicked out of Walmart…basically, it was what made me say, “This hair’s history. Whether you …
Change It Up Challenge – The Biggest Loser
Okay, I’ll admit it–this week’s Change It Up started as a bit of a joke…you see, I was reading Mara’s blog the other day and came across her comment that she cries during The Biggest Loser every week. Now, I will admit, I maybe might have made fun of her a little bit (sorry Mara–you …
Change It Up Challenge – Subway’s Meatball Marinara Sub
I used to pride myself on being the person who tries a new entree with every trip to the same restaurant–I don’t know if I just got to the point where I had tried everything at all my favorite restaurants or if I had just gotten myself into a same-food stalemate, but I stopped trying …